Tour to your house!

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This weekend we are kicking off a very specific tour that you can attend from ANYWHERE!

And for the first time in a year - it's a live tour where we can see your faces!! I'm so excited.

I'd love to get as many rad nerds to come to these shows as possible, since the ticket $ (which is only $5) supports keeping venues open!

Here is all the information for ya…

What are the dates and times and how do I get tickets?

March 20 - 3pm PT/6pm ET/10pm UK/9am Sydney- ticket here!

March 21 - 3pm PT/6pm ET/10pm UK/9am Sydney - ticket here!

March 27 - 4pm PT/7pm ET/11pm UK/10am Sydney - ticket here!

March 28 - 4pm PT/7pm ET/11pm UK/10am Sydney - ticket here!

Do I have to be a certain place to attend?

absolutely not! no matter where you are, you will get the zoom link and be able to watch the show!

What if I am a certain place?

If you are in Seattle (3/20), Fresno (3/21), Vienna VA (3/27) or Orlando (3/28), you can order food, games, and drinks from these venues before/during the show, for take-out or delivery (depending on the venue. You'll get an exclusive button as well as the chance to order Doubleclicks dice! We appreciate you supporting the venue! Information about this will be on the website as well as in your confirmation email.

Can I go to more than one show?

Yep!! This is the easiest way to follow a band on tour of all time!

What will these shows look like?

These are live remote Doubleclicks concerts on Zoom. this means - we will play music to you live! Also, we will be able to see you (if you turn your camera on!) We've done a test show and it was awesome - people danced, there were children, and we got to meet and interview MANY pets. If you want to opt out of being seen, you can turn off your camera.

What if I miss the live show?

These shows are extremely live, so we recommend attending live. Unlike our usual DoubleclicksLive streams, these aren't recorded to watch later.


See us at the Virtual JoCo Cruise - FOR FREE!


Come to our Valentine's Day Show!