Dance with a frozen pizza & be in our next video, please!
Hey friends! Doubleclicks here!
We're making a NEW internet-made collage video (like Jam, Friday I'm In Love, Wonder, and Wrong About Gender), and we need some friends to help. If you'd like to participate, this post has all the details!
So - We need videos of you (and friends, family, pets, stuffed animals, or no one) — having a pizza party with a FROZEN PIZZA. Like this:
The song is about creating a celebration and making your own happiness, with little money and no fancy invitations. It's about fighting jealousy and the need for outside approval, and just rocking your own darn self. Throw a party with a frozen pizza!!
Dancing with a frozen pizza, dancing while opening a freezer/oven, and having a lot of fun without leaving the house are all things we need. I've uploaded the current lyrics here in case anything inspires you, and there are more video ideas at the bottom of this post if you keep reading!
The submission for the jam video are IDEAL. Take some inspiration from the wonderful folks in this video:
More details & logistics are below! Thank you!
The deadline is THIS Sunday, February 24, at 3pm Pacific time/6pm Eastern.
THANK YOU! Love, Angela & Aubrey
How to Submit!:
- Read the logistical notes below!
- Take a 7-15 second video & send it to us, via google drive or dropbox, to:
- Fill out this form to give us your name and permission:
- If you have time to do something specific or special for us, please e-mail the address above and I'll give you some more instructions when/if we have them.
- MOST IMPORTANT ONE: Please turn your phone sideways! You can film this video with a camera, a phone, whatever (high quality is great within reason)—but PLEASE make sure it’s horizontal, like a movie, not vertical, like a selfie. Example:
- Look for the best possible lighting—brighter is better!
- Acceptable formats: 3GP, AVI, MP4 and Quicktime. And don’t make the final over a gig, my computer is small.
- If you’re using dropbox, please send us a link to the FILE, not the FOLDER, that makes it easier!! Make sure it's got open permissions.
- Don’t take a video of someone who doesn’t know what’s happening! Please! Don’t rope your sister into it or something. That makes everyone feel weird! Dance your own beautiful self! (Or get your baby or dog to do it, that’s just adorable.)
- Don't send us multiple takes or options, just pick your favorite for each person/group! We trust your judgment!
- If you'd like a beat to dance to, this song is the same speed:
- If you want to submit art or animation that's totally awesome!
- reverse-shot opening a freezer or oven
- time lapse of a pizza cooking
- dancing in the frozen pizza aisle
- pets
- children
- something made out of a box that the frozen pizza comes in (origami?)
- playing a game using pizza as the pieces
- pizza rolls (something with pizza rolls)
- a full party (with hats and streamers and stuff) but it's just in your house and it's just you and your stuffed animals
- a fancy dinner party with wine and bow-ties and a frozen pizza