Holiday Shopping & Thanks!

bannerGuys, NOVEMBER is like.. almost over! I had my birthday (presents pictured above) and now our Big Portland Show is only a few days away (it's this Saturday (tickets)! bring your crazy family and your flask of leftover pumpkin pie!)As the year winds down into "holiday" and "wild party" modes, we want to give you a big thanks for supporting our independent art all year long by buying our dinosaur-themed items. We're not exactly sure how to thank you (other than yelling—THANK YOU!!), so we'll just keep writing really weird songs until you tell us it's not working for you.<3.Doing some shopping? Use the code "DCHOLIDAY" on our Bandcamp store for 10% off music downloads, tote bags, dice, t-shirts until December 4. We have a full catalog of purchasable items listed on our website, but here are some highlights:New item! Tote Bags ($20)—these are big, eco-friendly, screen-printed bags. You can carry board games, groceries or smaller tote bags inside. Look how fun!

Photo on 11-21-13 at 3.46 PM

Music! Lasers and Feelings: we know that most of you know that this year we released an album called "Lasers and Feelings," and we really quite like it, and other people must have too, because it made it onto the Billboard chart (remember that? that was nuts). But some of you do not know about this shiny new album, because perhaps you were busy watching a sport, reading a book or working a job! You can buy the new CD in physical form (the art is beautiful) on CDBaby, or on iTunes and Bandcamp.lasers coverAnd now that we're done with the sales pitch, please have some free music! We'll keep releasing new songs/videos every week until the end of the year on YouTube (even this week, despite a very inconveniently timed jury duty situation). See the songs so far, including last week's new song about Agent Coulson from the Avengers and Agents of SHIELD, on our YouTube channel, and download them all for free on Bandcamp.

coulson thumb copy

Happy holidays, all, and we'll see you next year!!!!--The Doubleclicks


Portland, OR - 11/30/13 - #NerdNightOut!


New Song! "Agent Coulson!" & more!