Song Fu is ON!!
This year, we'll be participating in a year-long songwriting CHALLENGE called "Song Fu 2012." The Song Fu contest, in several forms and iterations, has been managed by Ken Plume over at FRED Entertainment.And what does that mean to you? It means that we'll be writing and releasing (at least) one song per month in answer to *celebrity* songwriting prompts. The first month's prompt was given last night by the inedible John Hodgman. We will be COMPETING in the monthly songwriting challenges against the fantastic Molly Lewis. Good news on that front: you really don't have to pick sides. This is going to be a fun, friendly "head to head"
competition "challenge," and there's no need for it to get ugly. Right, Molly? Molly?Each month, Molly and we will also be facing a *celebrity challenger* -- this month's challenger is the be-bearded John Roderick of Twitter and The Long Winters. Each month we'll be recording a podcast with Molly, Ken, and the *celebrity challenger* to discuss the prompt and songwriting process. If you listen to Ken's "Bit of a Chat" interviews you'll know that he's good at the podcasting stuff, so I trust that this will all be very entertaining.We will be sharing the challenges with a hopefully large and enthusiastic songwriting public in the Song Fu forums. If you are a songwriter, I highly recommend you join in: we have found that a deadline and a specific topic are some of the best drivers of GETTING CREATIVE STUFF DONE!You can read more about Song Fu on its official website. Now we're off to go write a song about Bioluminescence that doesn't make people want to rip their ears out.