Sudden geek-feminist info-graphic-induced rage!

The below infographic was posted on the Wired GeekDad blog a couple weeks ago (it is from a marketing website called flowtown). And when I saw it, I was annoyed. I mean, look at it! There are no womens! And even the Gleek is a gentleman!

The Evolution of the GeekI don't know why the artist made all the geeks boys. Maybe they wanted to have consistency in their "evolution" metaphor. I can understand that.But it BOTHERED me. So much that I TWITTERED!I twittered at GeekDad contributing guitar-man John Anealio (he’s awesome, BTW, buy his music), and then the author of the post Mr. Kevin Makice twittered back at me with the absolutely correct response: basically— if you don’t like it, fix it.And I agreed. And I’ve been thinking about this. A “more equitable version” is what was requested of me. In the simplest form, I think a “more equitable version” of this infographic would just make a couple of the geeks women. That would satisfy me. That wouldn’t have raised my ire. I would probably have said something like “I see what you did there. Evolution of the geek. Jolly good,” and moved on.I don’t want to see an all-female “evolution of the geek girl” poster - because if we are accepting this “geek community” thing, we really need to all just be geeks together. Not “geeks” and “geek girls.” No one better or worse or with a longer heritage than the other. I don’t want to talk about how “geek” has evolved into something women can be, too… because I think women have always been “geeks” and the whole separation thing is silly. I’ve been thinking about writing a song to reflect these emotions. And while I do like to channel anger and annoyance into music (some would say that’s kinda my thing), the feelings I have on the issue at hand are a little more complex that I can currently put to rhyme on top of a couple of chords.But it’s a project. And if I do end up being able to put that to song, I can’t think of a better place to play it than ourGeekGirlCONcert.


Hanging with PDXYAR at Portland Pirate Festival - St. Helens, Oregon - 09/04/11 - Portland Pirate Festival


Week 23: Nightgown of the Sullen Moon - & update