Week 12: Battlestar Galactica Title Music

We jumped right in to the YouTube this week with one of those multi-track covers. It's our first attempt at such a thing, and we had much good times making it. No, it doesn't make any sense to cover this song. But we love BSG.Thank you times one million to everyone who came to our show at Twin Paradox last night. Tons of people from Twitter and Nerds & Music and our music network showed up and we had a great time.We are going to take a break from performing for May because Aubrey is on tour with Ezza Rose--if you are in California and like good music, you should check them out.That means that I will be running Song-a-week by my lonesome for the next month. That should be fun. Send me your song ideas, if you have them, in the comments or: thedoubleclicks@yahoo.com.Right now we have some things in the works for upcoming shows, but nothing is solidly planned. If you want to be notified of updates, sign up for our e-mail list, which is newly renovated. When we have something to announce, that list will be informed.Lastly, we were interviewed by @PDXGeekGirl for her blog this week. We talked about ourselves quite a bit, so if that's something you're interested in, check it out!




Week 10: We do not endorse this unhealthy relationship