2013: another year is done! And what happens next?

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone! Thank you so much for another amazing year, we are just nothing at all without your support and your smiles and your coming to our shows and sharing our videos and just being basically greatest people on earth. Big love. <3We've done this wrap up thing for the last couple years (2011, 2012)—and every year we have more and more to be thankful for. YOU, always, have made our lives so great. THANK YOU.So what kind of year has 2013 been? It's been the kind of year where I'm finally getting around to writing a wrap-up post in the late afternoon of New Year's Eve. Whoops. But we're here now, so let's go!If I had to wrap the year up in one video, I'd do it this way:Nothing to Prove was by far the best, most fun, most important thing we've ever participated in. Thanks to a concept by the amazing Josh A. Cagan and contributions from geek girls and peoples from around the world, this video happened, and it touched people—it inspired people to send us their own stories (and submit them to the Geek Girl tumblr), to buy t-shirts that raised over $500 for AppCamp4Girls... and it felt so, so special. Thank you so much. If that was the only thing that happened this year, we would have considered it a success.To illustrate, here's a wonderful bit of photoshopping by Alice Lee:


But I guess that's not all... what else happened this year?

  • Released our first real full-band real-studio album, "Lasers and Feelings," that charted on the Billboard top 10 comedy albums!
  • Persevered through 14 weeks of Weekly Song Wednesday—new songs! new videos! Hats!
  • Went on a 4-week "Velicraptour" tour across the entire country, playing 20,000 shows in 1,200 cities (approximately)
  • Hosted 4 #NerdNightOut variety shows in Portland with awesome out-of-town guests (and one in LA!)
  • Collaborated with excellent amazing talented people on their Kickstarters: Joseph Scrimshaw, Paul and Storm, Project Maiden, AppCamp4Girls... and other projects: Cards Against Humanity, Loading Ready Run, & Worldbuilders.
  • Performed at 43,275 conventions, including the giant stage at PAX and a wonderful happy group at our very first GenCon!
  • Filmed an episode of Tabletop (it's airing February 20 on Geek and Sundry!)
  • Co-Hosted several episodes of the GoingLast tabletop gaming podcast: highlights included interviewing James Ernest, Boyan Radockavitch and Paul Peterson.
  • Produced & sold to you (thanks!) tote bags, so many dice and velociraptor t-shirts thanks to the amazing design work of Daz Watford and @VirtualBri Brian Tatosky.
  • Went on JoCoCruiseCrazy! We were official entertainers on Jonathan Coulton's floating NerdCon! This was awesome!

And now what do we do? Here's a very sketchy list of our plans for 2014!

  • A Kickstarter! (SOON)
  • A new album!
  • More Weekly Song Wednesday-type projects
  • More NerdNightOuts!
  • Tours that make us less sick and tired!
  • More and more and more music and kinds of music!
  • More working with people we admire!
  • Hats!

Happy New Year & thanks, loves!-Angela & Aubrey


We had a kickstarter!


New Song: Ennui (On We Go)