The Doubleclicks, also known as Laser Malena-Webber and Aubrey Turner, are an internationally touring, Billboard-charting sibling folk-pop music duo with a cello, a ukulele and a meowing cat keyboard. They write songs about anxiety, queer identity, dinosaurs, cats and board games.

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We wrote a Musical!
Teaching A Robot To Love is a musical and album about what it means to be human.
With jokes, cheese, gender, love, and a buffet, Teaching a Robot to Love is available for stream and purchase everywhere now!
Banana for scale. Also, for potassium.
This adorable velociraptor plush who believes in you! Join us as we celebrate ten years of being a band with this 3D version of our cute little logo!
very nice things
people have said:
“It’s no secret, we love The Doubleclicks”
– i09
“Our favorite nerdrocking cello heroes”
– BoingBoing
“Everyone with a heart should find something to love in the Doubleclicks”
– Portland Mercury
“The Doubleclicks are what a non-judgmental world made of free ice cream and jet packs sounds like.”
– Matt Wallace (author)
“i’m winning”
A Doubleclicks official music video about video games and identity, storyboarded & animated by 16 non-binary, trans and genderqueer artists. The song “I’m Winning” song is on our album The Book Was Better (2019).
Watch more of our videos on our YouTube channel!